[Spent Radiation Source Reconditioning] Project of dismantling, packag... Entrusted by Beijing Wanjie Hospital of China Railway 16th Bureau Group Co., LTD, Shucheng is responsible for removing, packaging, reconditioning and sending and storing up more than 200 pieces of Co-60 radioactive sources contained in gamma knife treatment machine. According to relevant regulations of the government, after shielding and reconditioning these radioactive sources,shucheng shipped them to Beijing's radioactive waste storage. ... MORE +
[Reference Device]Cs-137γ Ray Irradiation Device and Positioning Syst... On November 19, 2015, Shucheng was entrusted by NIM to design and manufacture the Cs-137γ-ray irradiation device and positioning system. The device can build a reference radiation field, which can be used to the repeat of the standard dose of Cs-137γ, radiative protection monitoring instrument, personnel dose instrument and other instrument calibration and research. The device consists of a Cs-137γ-ray irradiation device, a rail positioning system, a laser ranging and positioning device, an integrated control cabinet, a remote monitoring system, a safety interlock system, and an infrared anti-intrusion alarm system. The Cs-137 γ-ray irradiation device is composed of a Cs-137 sealed γ source (1000Ci) and a scattering cavity, a shield, a shutter, a diaphragm, and a base. It uses an auto... MORE +
[Reference Material Configuration] Configuring the stand... Shucheng provides technical centers with reference materials for the capability verification comparisons, assessments of national radiation environment monitoring so as to enrich the types and ...
[Reference Material Configuration] Entrusted by Radiatio... Entrusted by RMTC, Shucheng configured 40 kinds of standard sources and reference material for 34 units of the National Radiation Environment Monitoring Network (Nuclear and Radiation ...
[Preparation of Radioactive Sources] Entrusted by NIM- c... Entrusted by NIM, Shucheng has undertaken the cleanup, reconditioning, and decontamination work of their source storage. As of May 5th, 2017, the spent radioactive sources and radioactive was...
[Preparation of Radioactive Sources]Recondition Unused R... Entrusted by the University of Defence to recondition spent radioactive sources and reference material for the institute. The reconditioning lasted for three months, and more than 6,000 radioac...
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