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    Shucheng was established.


    Certification on hi-tech and innovation company

    Shucheng was certified as a hi-tech and innovation company.


    Various certification including ISO

    Shucheng acquired certification including ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001.


    Projects on spent sources for different customers

    From 2005 to 2015, completed more than 10,000 spent radioactive source conditioning and decommissioned 8,000 square meter of the source warehouse for major instiutes.


    Projects on reference equipment for NIM

    Since 2007, Shucheng has designed and constructed the γ ray reference equipment of 10000Ci Co-60,1000Ci Co-60 and 1000Ci Cs-137 and introduced β reference equipment.


    Put the transport container design for class II radioactive material on record

    Shucheng took the lead to put the transport container design for class II radioactive material on record in National Nuclear Safety Administration


    Construction of Shunyi new facility

    Shucheng started the construction of new facility in Shunyi. Later in September, Shucheng was invited for a academic conference in PTB to discuss about β reference equipment.


    May, 2017, Shucheng was invited to attend The 21st International Conference on Radionuclide Metrology and its Applications, ICRM

    In May 2017, Shucheng was invited to attend The 21st International Conference on Radionuclide Metrology and its Applications, ICRM


    Undertaking standard materials allocation project of the Radiation Monitoring Technical Center of Ministry of Environmental Protection

    From 2016 to 2018, Shucheng had won the standard materials allocation project of the Radiation Monitoring Technical Center of Ministry of Environmental Protectionin three years in a row, providing 40 sorts and more than 1400 pieces of standard materials


    Completion of office building in Shunyi

    In 2018, the new office building in Shunyi was fully put into service. In June, Shucheng was invited by LNE to talk about future cooperation and visit their laboratories.


    Operation of research building

    In the later half of the year, the research building was put into service. It is an important event in the development of Schuheng. Shucheng plans to build an open, inclusive and shared research platform based on the advanced facilities and professionals.

    Wonderful Continuation

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